May 5, 2010

A resolution passed that we direct the executive committee to open another checking account in the anticipation of future income funds with the new Grand Prairie State Bank that opened on Beltline. A resolution passed that acting Manager Marion Dickens will make the decisions on real estate issues until we get another manager and that […]

April 27, 2010

A resolution passed to accept the electrical contract with the energy services of Green Mountain in the terms of 36 months. A resolution passed to give all care givers and care receivers 90 days residence if they can pass the credit and background checks.  If they prove to be good tenants then they can stay […]

April 13, 2010

A resolution passed to receive the insurance settlement. A resolution passed to table the electric contract to our regular board meeting April 27, 2010 and have a representative from Skypower to attend. A resolution passed to have Johnny Bishop rewrite the proposal on the termite contract. A resolution passed to get parking stickers from Dave’s […]

March 30, 2010

A resolution passed that a clean up day be scheduled for Saturday, April 24th and that the Avion garage sale be scheduled for May 1st on the south side of the Community House (now known as Ray’s Room) A resolution passed that DK Haney begin repair on Phase 4 on the listed addresses with the […]

February 22, 2010

A resolution passed to accept the renewal for the Director’s and Officer’s liability insurance. A resolution passed to nominate Larry Seymour to fill the seat on the Board. A resolution passed that the occupants who have not signed Homestead Exemptions be assessed the taxes that are due on that property.  This begins 2/22/11 and will […]

January 17, 2010

A resolution passed to allow new Manager Dennis Jobe to continue for another 90 days followed by a review and to “remove the training wheels” and “turn him loose” with more authority. A resolution passed to change the completion date from 90 days to 60 days and add the letter “H” to say agreement must […]